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Sunday, May 15, 2011

selena gomez oscars dress

selena gomez oscars dress. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • bradc
    Aug 6, 09:21 PM
    I fourth that notion for a picture of 'Hasta la Vista, Vista'. That's a pretty tongue-in-cheek statement!

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  • selena gomez who says dress

  • aquajet
    Sep 6, 09:54 AM
    Is it just me, or does the $599 mini *not* let you configure it with a DVD burner?

    You're right and that sucks. :(

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  • bieber selena gomez oscars

  • Eric5h5
    Aug 6, 09:44 PM
    wow, that's some bold statements by Apple. i'm sure that they'll back them up though

    Nothing they haven't done before. Like the "Redmond, start your photocopiers" thing for Tiger. And Redmond did exactly that, it seems. ;)


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  • Halle Berry Oscars Dress 2011

  • network23
    Jul 19, 04:46 PM
    I fully believe the lower desktop numbers are due to people waiting for the Intel-based desktops. The wonderful thing about Macs are that they aren't always in need of updating, so it's not a problem to wait until they are released.

    Expect a huge increase in desktop sales the next quarter or two (if indeed the Mac Pro with Intel line appears next month).

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  • power couple Selena Gomez,

  • mrblack927
    Apr 1, 08:41 AM
    The new "year view" shows a heat map of events, ie. the more red it is the busier your day. ;)

    selena gomez oscars dress. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • solvs
    Jan 2, 03:00 AM
    I'm hoping they release a mini laptop. That's the only thing I really care about. Which means they probably won't.

    I try not to expect too much so I'm not disappointed.

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  • halle berry oscars dress.

  • trekkie604
    Feb 19, 11:53 PM
    I like the wall paper... Which Orbiter and where'd ya get it? :)

    It's Discovery and the image is a combination of 2 photos from NASA's HSF Gallery. You can get it on my dA: http://trekkie604.deviantart.com/art/Shuttle-into-the-Blue-138883539

    How do you like the Dash? Saw one on woot the other day.

    Not bad, I have it displaying Twitter feeds, NHL scores and weather mostly. If I hadn't have got it for a discount, I'd say the MSRP isn't worth it for the features it has.

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  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Philberttheduck
    Sep 6, 05:22 PM
    I gave it a positive rating because it means the release of the iPhone is imminent and will be the sole feature of the next event. I mean, if Apple has the balls to stick the Mac Mini update right next to the iMac's release of the 24" model, they have a HUGER release.

    Crap, I don't know if I can afford both a fullscreen iPod AND an iPhone. You ask for a higher time for Apple.. and you (hopefully) get after Sept. 12. If only I was 18 and could buy stock...

    selena gomez oscars dress. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • twoodcc
    Nov 28, 12:29 AM
    Congrats! may the next mil go quickly by.

    thanks! i hope so.

    and congrats to you, whiterabbit, for hitting 3 million!

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  • selena gomez oscars, What

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Jul 19, 04:54 PM
    when asked are we expecting any surprises from WWDC regarding the music store - they just laughed :eek:

    so i'd take that as movies are coming at WWDC

    I heard this too - everyone laughed! I'm excited...:o

    selena gomez oscars dress. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • Built
    Nov 16, 06:25 AM
    I was an early adopter on iPhone 1st gen. I upgraded to iPhone 3G 18 months later. Skipped 3GS, and ordered the iPhone 4 on June 15th during the big frenzy.

    My iPhone 4 was delivered to my home the day before launch day.

    Granted I have always had a cheap thin rubberized case around my iPhone 4 (but I have also had one on all my other iPhones as well)...but the iPhone 4 has given me BETTER service...fewer dropped calls...increased versatility...amazing battery life...better screen...faster response...than any of my other iPhones...

    While long ago, I generally enjoyed Consumer Reports, I believe their stance is nothing more than a blatant attempt at sensationalism based on initial reports of iPhone issues.

    Personally, over the years, I have seen Consumer Reports almost imperceptibly slide into what it is today...a largely commercialized rag which long ago lost its "pro-consumer, anti-establishment" focus.

    selena gomez oscars dress. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • siurpeeman
    Jan 12, 12:45 AM
    i think you guys are all missing the big picture. "smell in the air"? obviously, mac os x is bringing smell-o-vision (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smell-o-vision)! that's right, you heard it here first. :)

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  • selena gomez round and round

  • scotpole
    Jan 12, 07:59 AM
    How about
    Apple iTunes and the apple store are available everywhere through the air.

    Like .Mac your mac is automatically backed up so if you lose it, your files and account still exist at Apple, because through the air, they have been backed up. I mean we can trust Apple with our info right?

    To get new software you get it through the air. You connect to Apple and download it to the appropriate device the way you currently buy a song and your credit card is billed.

    All devices can transfer data through a high speed bluetooth, so you can backup at home to a DVD or a Hard Drive.(this one is a compilation of ideas already expressed in this thread).

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  • selena gomez short haircut

  • Consultant
    Apr 26, 01:37 PM
    Actually, it would 1-Click ;)

    In formal writing, one should always write out the words for all numbers one through ten.

    "1 click" would be unacceptable in proper English writing.

    Therefore, Apple should have done one-click instead of 1-click to avoid licensing issues: ;)

    Amazon filed a patent infringement lawsuit in October 1999 in response to Barnes & Noble offering a 1-Click ordering option called "Express Lane." After reviewing the evidence, a judge issued a preliminary injunction ordering Barnes & Noble to stop offering Express Lane until the case was settled.


    Apple should get an injunction against App Store knockoffs.

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  • set and selena gomez never

  • silentnite
    Apr 26, 04:21 PM
    All I can say is why didn't I think about trademarking terms like app store back in my O.S.9 & apple Mac works 6 days, etc. The hell with all of it. I would have been having the last laugh today.:D

    selena gomez oscars dress. Selena Gomez stepped out in a
  • Selena Gomez stepped out in a

  • Multimedia
    Nov 17, 07:33 PM
    IMO, what Apple really needs is a system between the Mac Pro and iMac. A smaller tower or cube style system with a single Kentsfield or Clovertown CPU with 2 or 3 PCI-E slots, two HDD bays, optical bay and using cheaper, more conventional RAM - like up to 8GB DDR2. Apple is ignoring an entire segment of the market and it seems like they're trying to use the small difference in price between a maxed-out 24" iMac and a relatively low-end Mac Pro as justification for nothing in the middle.I agree. Apple's view of the market is very strange. They seem to think their customers either only want an all-in-one two core solution or an extremely expensive top of the line 4 or 8 core solution. Hopefully Kentsfield will find a home in a new Mac line in 2007.

    selena gomez oscars dress. Selena Gomez wore hers first
  • Selena Gomez wore hers first

  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 10, 04:52 PM
    Have to say, whenever these threads crop up, I'm alway left with the opinion that in the U.S., being able to depress a clutch and move a stick at the same time is seen as some kind of divine talent... :p :p :p
    That's because in the US most of us drive on two types of roads, crowded ones and dead straight ones. Automatics are superior on crowded ones and it doesn't matter on straight ones.

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  • Mila Kunis Oscar Dress

  • MattSepeta
    May 2, 05:42 PM
    Another iOS feature implemented in a desktop OS.

    Fan-frickin-tastic :(

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  • selena gomez kca dress.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 12:05 PM
    I know this is off topic. But you guys and gals have got to go download the new Bob Dylan Blues Music Video Ad for iTunes pre-selling his new album "Modern Times" (http://www.apple.com/ipod/ads/dylan/). It is incredible! :eek: :cool:

    I think this is the best Ad Apple has ever delivered - bar none. I put it on single repeat in iTunes and it never gets old.

    Apr 3, 04:03 AM
    It is, indeed, sad to see someone get so emotionally attached to a consumer product that they cannot admit to themselves that the product may have some flaws.

    You obviously need to relax. There is more to life than iPad.

    The only thing worse than trolls in threads like this are posters (like yourself) who suffer from Yogi Bear Syndrome.

    To say that "virtually every" iPad 2 has a backlight problem simply makes you look like an idiot. There's no way you can know this, and basing your assumption on the number of posts in a forum - be it Apple's or someone else's - just make you look foolish, especially considering most forums are populated by just a few people. The reality is that 99% of iPad 2 users probably don't even know that there is an iPad forum on the internet!

    Case in point: count the number of times YOU'VE posted your BS here, and the 9 or 10 people who bothered to answer you. That's already taken up more than 4 pages by itself. Case rested. :rolleyes:

    Jul 18, 05:58 AM
    I don't think the time is right for online digital movie rentals. Even with a relatively fast broadband service, it still is going to take a fair amount of time to download the file. If the file only plays once, or just for a day, or a few days it's just not worth the effort, IMO.

    On the other hand, if it were a subscription service, or a download & keep it would be. Perhaps, in the not too distant future when we all have much faster connections, the download rental market might make more sense.

    Surely the TV Shows issue is because the US shows are sold on to European TV Stations, usually after the show has aired in the states. These TV Stations aren't going to be too pleased if they've shelled out a bucketload of money for the UK premier of 24 for example, only to have it show up on iTunes before they've even aired it.

    So <the inevitable reply> why don't the air the shows on the same day in every country? In the TV age, it wouldn't make sense. In the digital age, it's the only way that makes any sense.

    Oct 24, 04:49 AM
    I advocate the 2007FP 20 1600x1200 for only $359.20 (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=320-4687). That extra 150 verticle pixels is very helpful.

    That monitor wouldn't be any good if you watch HD videos (or even DVDs).

    Dell really are fleecing their none US customers:

    20" 2007FP: &#163;311
    24" 2407WFP: &#163;566
    20" 2007WFP: &#163;401
    30" 3007WFP: &#163;1,365

    People here are always raving about Dells low prices here, but I really dont think they're that cheap at all (in the UK) - unless you buy something with very old hardware that is.

    Got it in one. :)

    Apr 12, 09:54 PM
    I want to know what the Jaw dropping feature is mentioned months ago..

    Nov 16, 04:03 AM
    well, OSX whooped xp for multicore usage then

    Notwithstandign such long-standing facts, there are still some MS fanboys here who think Windows is better for multicore usage (not to mention multitasking, which has been ALWAYS better in OS X)... :rolleyes:

    Zune is dead, Windows is dead...face it.

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