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Saturday, May 14, 2011

justin bieber new pictures of 2011

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  • suzerain
    Jul 18, 12:30 PM
    I disagree: people already spend time/gas/money DRIVING to a video store to rent something that become worse than useless: you have to drive again to return it :) Or, with Netflix you just have to mail it, but the wait is days--much longer than a download.

    If people still drive to the video store to rent movies, then why are Blockbuster et al. going out of business? Everyone I know uses Netflix, not stores, nowadays, unless they don't have a computer, in which case iTunes is not their target market anyway.

    I don't see online rental cutting into, like, BitTorrent, personally...if that was the point of the iTunes Store (to provide an alternative to pirating).

    Rentals are stupid...what if something comes up and I can't watch my movie within the alotted time? I'm just screwed, then?

    That's why the Netflix model is brilliant, though saddled with a delay...you can watch the movie whenever you want.

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. justin bieber pics new 2011.
  • justin bieber pics new 2011.

  • dustinsc
    Mar 22, 03:56 PM
    I wonder if they'd give a revamped Classic Airplay capabilities... in addition to being the pocket media player we all know and love make it an addition to your other devices as a bulk mobile storage capable of pushing audio/video out to Apple TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. I'd buy another one then. I mean, I have a terabyte Toshiba drive that i carry in my laptop case, but that requires the USB cable. Who wants to dongle their drive?

    This does make sense. It's also a nice opportunity to add Thunderbolt to a device. Apple would probably make it go through the iPod connector, but I don't really see that as a problem.

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  • oracle_ab
    Apr 27, 10:03 AM
    Context doesn't impact a trademark either. The only thing that would permit anyone to use the "App Store" trademark if it was granted would be outside of Apple's selected field of trade.

    I could call my restaurant "App Store" because Apple did not trademark App Store as it relates to restoration and food. I could call my new Car model the "GM App Store", as it does not relate to the field in which Apple trademarked it.

    I can't however call my store that sells Applications "App Store" or use "App Store" in a portion of its name, or for the slogan "KnightMarket : The best darn App Store!"

    That is why descriptive trademarks aren't usually awarded and granted. Because it gives too much power to a single entity in a certain field of trade. We'll see how the USPTO decides this when they hand in their final decision in Apple's request, especially now that Microsoft filed in the opposition phase (which is exactly why the USPTO has an opposition phase to begin with).

    This I totally agree with. In regard to written language, context makes a difference. Context may be substituted for your more correct language of "field of trade." One wouldn't be in violation of the trademark if presenting it in general terms (outside of the field or in reference to something w/in the field, much like Windows OS vs. GUI windows), but would be if they wanted to use the term w/in their own title w/in the same field.

    I think we're saying the same things, but perhaps my original post wasn't clear and relied to heavily on implied understanding....

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  • ipodG8TR
    Aug 16, 11:19 AM
    Actually, you can get Sirius in Canada and are able to stream Sirius anywhere in the world IF you have an account registered in the US. I've heard of many international customers setting up accounts to listen abroad.

    I'm just saying that I think the two would compliment each other nicely. You could use the service as just an ipod, a receiver for Sirius or BOTH.

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. Justin Bieber New Haircut
  • Justin Bieber New Haircut

  • popelife
    Jan 3, 10:31 AM
    What any of this has to do with MWSF rumors I'm not sure, but...

    I agree about the word processor. I never could understand why Apple didn�t offer a few more features to make AppleWorks useful.

    I�m using FrameMaker, but that was discontinued for OSX on Mac.

    Too many mine fields in Word.

    I always liked AppleWorks for what it was (remember, this is over ten years ago now), but yeah, there was a long period when AppleWorks was hung out to dry. In fact, unless we get that spreadsheet app in iWork next week, things are still a bit "transitional".

    Problem is, because MS Word has become so dominant, it's been tough for anyone to develop a viable competitor. Which would be fine, except Word has sucked for years now. MS can't design interfaces.

    I bought Office for the Mac out of necessity, but I find myself using Pages these days. I don't need power-user functions that much, I just need to be able to write words and enjoy doing it. With Pages I do. With Word I find myself screaming in disbelief at how awful it is every five minutes.

    If Steve unveils a Pages update at MW which adds a little more power, that would be nice (although the only things I really need are full "based-on" style sheet hierarchy, and the ability to count words in a selection. If I need to do proper page layouts, then I pull out InDesign.)

    If you're a big Framemaker user then I don't know what the solution is. What do you need that current WP's don't do?

    I was set on a new lap top and Mini, but it�s going to be a difficult decision. There is a lot of misinformation floating around, and sometimes the Mac community isn�t as forthcoming and honest as they should be. It�s like they are more concerned if the stocks go up or down than providing an accurate assessment.

    You've lost me here. "Not as forthcoming and as honest as they should be?" Have you seen the bitching about MacBook Pro displays, iTunes 7, graphics processors, and so on? Doesn't seem like anyone's holding anything back.

    On the whole though, there's comparitively little to complain about in the Apple world. You want to see some complaining? Let me boot up my PC ("New hardware detected" my ass. Cancel, cancel, cancel... ah, a cursor, good, it's working... no it isn't... wait... hourglass... wait...)

    As for misinformation... er, do you mean the MWSF rumours? That's not misinformation, it's people guessing. The idea is to grab yourself a pinch of salt and enjoy the fun.

    My first powerbook was good to me, but the climate/quality has changed, and I�m going to keep my options open.

    Which climate are you're referring to?

    Over the last few years, competition has forced all computer manufacturers to drive prices down dramatically, sometimes at the expense of quality. Apple have similarly slashed prices, yet their industrial design standards are still way ahead of the competition. I've never seen a PC that comes apart as elegantly as a G5 tower or Mac Pro. There are equally great things about the iMacs, the MacBook, the Mini (I would also leave out the MBP - nothing particularly wrong with it, but I think it needs a design update to bring it into line with the rest of the range. Didn't stop me buying one just before Xmas mind you).

    It's always possible to find criticisms, but if anything I think the quality of Apple products has gone up, not down. Crikey, when I think back to some of the Macs I've owned - PowerBook 5300c, PowerMac 8100... ugh.

    I�ll wait and see what�s behind curtain number three, but not sure a Mac is the best choice for the average person.

    What is then?

    Unless your number one priority is to spend as little cash as possible, I think Apple's products are strong contenders simply on design and quality grounds (I have a friend who got a MacBook Pro purely to run Windows on, after he'd had so many PC laptops fall apart on him). OS X makes Macintosh the best choice for anyone concerned with usability (which should be every computer user). And Boot Camp makes a Mac the only sensible choice for anyone wavering between Windows and OS X. Have cake, can eat it too.

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011
  • Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011

  • BeefUK
    Aug 29, 09:23 AM
    Why is everyone so hung up on Merom?

    I never expected the mini to go that way this year. Remember, the entire point of the mini is to be LOW COST.

    The switch to Intel caused the price of the mini to jump $100. I would much rather see its processor lag behind a little bit if they can get that price back to $499.

    Same thing with the Macbook, I'd rather see a $999 Macbook with the current chips than a $1,099 Macbook that keeps up with the Macbook Pro's chips.

    Of course, there's nothing saying Apple will lower the prices but IF they do then I would be very happy to see the "old" Intel chips stay in those machines another 6 months. The first core chips are still VERY fast chips, it's the rest of the system (video card) that's holding things up now. I wonder how much extra benefit you'd even get from a Merom chip in a mini.

    I agree, if the mac mini is dropped in price but keeps the Core Duo, I think that is a logical step. I think one of the original ideas of the mini was to tempt switchers, who already have a PC, but want to try a mac for cheap. I was nearly tempted last year, but held off for the Intel Update, and then decided I wanted a laptop instead.

    However if they keep prices the same, then that seems a strange decision.

    I have to say though I hope u are wrong with regard to the Macbooks, i'm hoping for a Core 2 Duo update so I can purchase my first mac. Maybe if they don't i'll just save up some more money and buy and Core 2 Duo MBP when they're released!!

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  • copykris
    Nov 23, 06:52 PM
    Small Pelican case for my Oakley Glasses, (as seen on the last page of the XIV Purchases Thread)

    Have room for another pair too, Maybe I'll find another pair that I like in the future.




    that seems awful clunky as a container for a pair of sunglasses...

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. NEW PIC OF JUSTIN BIEBER 2011

  • m4rc
    Apr 16, 05:05 AM
    Firstly, can't believe this is still ongoing!

    This is an interesting point of view (http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/main_news.cfm?NewsID=8320) on the whole topic.

    I always compare Apple to BMW. Maybe we should all start a petition for BMW as surely it too is dieing? After all, I can buy a ford for �6000, but not a BMW - I mean, what's going on there, they don't want to make crap cars or what?


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  • justin bieber wallpaper 2011

  • cube
    Mar 24, 05:00 PM
    OpenGL is much more like Direct3D. A part of DirectX. DirectX is just a collection of multiple API's. DirectSound is like OpenAL for example.

    You seem to think that DirectX 10.1 cards can't support OpenCL. Well newsflash, they can. DirectX is irrelevant in this conversation not only because it has nothing to do with Mac OS X but because it also has nothing to do with what you're associating it with. The equivalent to OpenCL is DirectCompute.

    I am talking about graphics capabilities now.

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. justin bieber new haircut 2011
  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • BJMRamage
    Mar 25, 03:54 PM
    what I thought would/could happen with iPhone/iPads/iPodTouches. With Airplay this would be even better. pretty much how i had envisioned it with teh iDevice as teh Gyro-scopic motion joystick

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. Justin Bieber Wins Favorite
  • Justin Bieber Wins Favorite

  • Chuushajou
    Nov 25, 04:20 PM
    Used, but in really good condition. Great components and tires should make this a blast to ride.


    Awesome, how much you pay for that?

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011
  • Justin Bieber New Haircut 2011

  • Stella
    Jul 18, 06:38 AM
    Waste of time. Two reasons:

    - Several hours of downloads
    - Available in the states only

    Apple still haven't rolled out videos to the rest of the world yet ( for what ever reason , i.e., licensing. Apple seem to be dragging their heels regarding getting licenses. It shouldn't take this long ).

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  • appleguy123
    Mar 19, 05:12 PM
    Have you not been informed of DisgraceBook??

    No, and I just googled it and it appears to be just a product review site?
    To what are you referring?

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. justin bieber new haircut 2011
  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • mattwolfmatt
    Sep 14, 10:17 AM
    ...my iPhone 4 still gets the best reception of any phone I've ever owned, regardless of how I hold it or whether or not it has a case on it...

    Ditto for me. I can't believe I waffled between 3GS, HTC Incredible, and iPhone 4. With 3GS 30% of my calls were dropped, with iPhone 4, 0%. Had it since July 5.

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. justin bieber new pictures
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  • guffman
    Aug 6, 11:41 PM
    More photos


    Ok - I've been into Macs for a couple years now, so I don't have the history with the company of many of you do.

    That said, it seems to me that with these ads or banners for Leopard, that it is closer to being released than we all might think. Has Apple promoted a product this way -- bashing M$ -- with out releasing the product soon after?

    To me it just seems like real strong words to use if Leopard wont be out for a while, esp. if it will only be released around the time Vista will be next year.

    Anyone know what I mean, or feel the same way?

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. Justin Bieber Us Magazine 2011
  • Justin Bieber Us Magazine 2011

  • PCMacUser
    Aug 7, 05:13 AM
    Last time we played we beat you 3-0 in England im pretty sure.

    We should have won the bloody world cup.

    We dominated against Italy until Grosso dived and got the most dodgy penalty in history, then we would have smashed ukraine in the quarters, then we would have been in the semi's against Germany, then anythign could have happened. Lets just say FIFA didnt want us to win, because its the one sport we 'aren't meant to dominate'. So the ref played it that way.

    People should have learned not to count out an Aussie. Our spirit means we have the best in every field from sport to soldiers.

    We would kick ur ass
    Hahah bloody arrogant Australian.


    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. Justin Bieber New Year#39;s 2011:
  • Justin Bieber New Year#39;s 2011:

  • Dunepilot
    Sep 6, 10:16 AM
    The Superdrive option in the base model has gone.

    Earth to Apple: a Combo drive in 2002 was state of the art. A Combo drive in 2004 was a reasonably priced alternative to a DVD burner. A Combo drive in 2005 was an acceptable means of marketing differentiation. A Combo drive in 2006 (particularly with no option to buy a DVD burner) is an embarrassment...

    There's some truth in this. Apple's approach to optical drives has been haphazard for some time now.

    justin bieber new pictures of 2011. justin bieber new haircut 2011
  • justin bieber new haircut 2011

  • lilcosco08
    Mar 26, 10:31 PM
    that's awfully nice of you.

    Methinks you need yo get your head out of the clouds when it comes to hardcore gaming.

    I'll agree that the future of casual games may be going in this direction, but core gamers will use this to supplement their gaming.

    Come back when you can play gears, modern warfare or Uncharted and have the same or better tactile experience and I'll gladly eat my own words. Until then it's all a pipe dream.

    You need a real dose of reality.

    Not exactly true:

    PS3 games running in 1080p

    Fifa Street 3 = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    Full Auto 2 (demo) = 1920x1080 (4x AA)
    GT5 Prologue (demo) = 1080p mode is 1280x1080 (2xAA) in-game while the garage/pit/showrooms are 1920x1080 with no AA. 720p mode is 1280x720 (4xAA)
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance = 1280x720 & 1920x1080 (no AA)
    MLB09: The Show = 1280x720 (2xAA) or 1920x1080 (no AA)
    NBA07 (demo) = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    NBA08 (demo) = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    NBA Street Home court (screenshot) = 1920x1080 (no AA
    Ridge Racer 7 (demo) = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    Sacred 2: Fallen Angel = 1280x720 when sub-HD output selected, 1920x1080 for any HD output (no AA)
    Virtua Tennis 3 = 1920x1080 (2x AA)
    World Series Of Poker 2008 = 1920x1080 (2xAA)

    there's probably a few more for the 360 - BUT, IMO resolution isn't the be all and end all of visuals, take the uncharted series, it isn't 1080p, but it's spectacular looking where as Sacred 2 looks like crap.

    If Kinect wasn't the run away success it was, then yeah, I would have expected some announcement this or next e3 for the 360, but it looks like the Wii 2 will probably be announced first.

    The PS3 will probably have some legs actually, as people get more and more used to the developer tools (as they are now) then we'll see more and more impressive titles graphically.

    you make a good point, but to really excel at gaming, you can't have a jack of all trades device - look at the PSP for instance- great wee machine, but it was far too spread, functionality wise to be a great success. For this device to appeal to the core gamer it needs to be designed specifically for core gaming, as it is the now (and there's nothing wrong with it this way) it's for casual gamers or 'pick up for 5 mins' kinda games

    >modern warfare 2

    >hardcore gamer

    OH WOW

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  • Link2999
    Sep 11, 05:39 PM

    That one looks decent. It's also on amazon in black or blue and comes with a screen protector, but does not have free shipping (~$6 for shipping).

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0042L9J4G/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001FWYXD2&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=159BBYV8FRJJCKH8WBHH (Includes Mirror Screen Protector)

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0042LHDPI/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001FWYXD2&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=159BBYV8FRJJCKH8WBHH (Includes Clear Screen Protector)

    I'm currently holding off for a case that protects more than just the back.

    Sep 7, 10:17 AM
    Low priced rentals only for me please. Not paying the same price for a movie as I can get the DVD for in stores, not to mention it needs to be playable on people's big HDTV's (which I'm sure they're aware of).

    Jul 14, 10:28 AM
    First of all, Blu-Ray discs are a completely new material and fabrication process, so highlighting the fact that they've only made 25GB discs (which were stable-ly created long before almost ANY HD-DVD's) and can't produce a disk which is far above the specs of the competition, is like saying screw the russians cuz they're space program hasn't sent a man to mars (nobody's done it yet, anyway). You can't blame Blu-Ray for not being able to deliver 50 GB yet, the meat of the war is just beginning anyway.
    It is true that we don't know what will be delivered in the future. I am sure 50gb+ discs will be available at some point. How soon, however, is important, especially considering there is a format war. If Blu-ray can get those discs out fast with good yields, then obviously that changes things. But reports are they are not at this point, with no timetable on when they might. Add to this the fact that it is a new fabrication process... this can only mean that prices most likely will stay higher longer, as opposed to a cheaper/easier fab process for HD DVDs.

    Secondly, what was said about the VC-1 codec is very wrong. Microsoft's VC-1 codec is far worse and more difficult to work with than MPEG 2 or MPEG 4 that sony will probably offer in later versions of Blu-Ray. All this malarky about artifacts doesn't really make sense when you consider that we've been USING MPEG2 IN DVD'S FOR YEARS NOW! There's no way that the algorithim could be to blame for the artifacts! Sure it's fatter, but it's a lighter compression, and as Sony has shown with their PCM Audio on Blu-Ray, sometimes light compression on a bigger disk is better than heavy compression on smaller disks. It will be a lot easier to change to a more efficient codec down the line (which is what we've done with computers time and time again, as well as professional video) so we can get Ultra HD on Blu Ray when it comes out as well.
    Watch HD DVD content on a Toshiba HD DVD player vs. BD content on a Samsung BD player... HD DVD content (using VC-1) is consistantly better than BD content (using MPEG2). Not sure what is wrong with the BD stuff exactly, but something is going wrong. And if it's MPEG2 issues, then all those BD discs out now are just stuck being crap. They'd have to reencode and rerelease new versions of the same movies later. That does not help the BD cause.

    Remember, HD is over 4x the resolution compared to SD. MPEG-2 was good for SD DVDs. Not sure how good it is for HD if your disc is maxed at 25gb capacity.

    I'm sorry, I understand people really want HD-DVD to win because it's easier and cheaper right now, but since when has the easiest option been the best?
    If it's cheaper, looks better, sounds better, and has more available titles, then why shouldn't HD DVD win? If BD used a more efficient codec, or at least had 50gb dual layer discs now (so MPEG2 could have a high bit rate at least), and the all the backing studios pumped out more titles, I'd buy it. But that isn't what it's shaping up to be right now. If they can get their act together, this could be a fight... but they are behind.


    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    This pro user will re-learn the interface for the very good reason that I will get lots of new features and tools.

    It's a shame you're going to go out of your way to apparently not learn anything during the process. Seems counter-productive to me, but it's your life.

    Agreed. Even a large overhaul of an interface like this one should take a day or two to get used too. I'm more likely to get tripped up over a remapped keyboard shortcut than anything else.

    Sep 6, 11:04 PM
    It seems to me that the distribution of 480i content is pretty much settled. Netflix and Blockbuster do this well and at very competitive prices. I can't see that Apple would benefit much from trying to compete there.

    How high-def content is distributed, on the other hand, is far from settled. In fact, the world of high-def video in 2006 looks a lot like the world of digital music in 1999; a technology consumers clearly want, but an emerging technology mired in competing standards and confusing technical details. Apple must have noticed that similarity.

    I've had a beautiful 720p TV for eight months, and have yet to actually see anything in 720p on it. The closest I've come is hooking my MacBook up to it and watching quicktime trailers. I'm not going to buy a Blu-Ray or HDDVD player until the standards war is over and the players cost less than $300, and that's not going to happen until late 2007 at the earliest.

    If I could buy a movie in 720p from the iTunes Music Store and watch it on my TV next Tuesday night I'd do it. Sure it'd take a few hours to download. But the alternative is to wait at least a year.

    Apr 5, 12:24 PM
    In DP2, it seems that after using it for a while it uses significally more RAM than DP1. It even seems to that point where animations get laggy, like expanding folders e.g.

    I discovered that the wibdow server process used over 400 mbs of RAM, but after shutting down the process and it had started up again it used about 20, which it usually does.

    Also, BetterTouchTools seem to be working a lot less with DP2 compared to 1 for me. Every now and then my custom multi touch commands stop working, and the BTT needs to restart to function again. This is especially frustrating since in DP2 the LaunchPad is an independent .app, and I have assigned it to thre finger click, and removed most apps from the dock in an attempt som streamline my work flow.

    All together I just love Lion, and there's no going back to SL! :)

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